About me

Sunrise on top of Mt. Fuji in 2016. The most beautiful ever!

I am a Ph.D. candidate at the University of California, Berkeley. Before coming to Berkeley, I obtained my bachelor’s degree in civil engineering from Kyushu University in Japan, and a master’s degree in computational mechanics from the Technical University of Munich in Germany. Currently, I am a part of the Soga Research Group, working on computational mechanics research under the supervision of Prof. Kenichi Soga.

My research interests are mainly related (but not limited) to the multi-phase, multi-physics, and multi-scale nature of hydro-geomechanical hazards and coupled phenomena, including their mechanics, modeling, and numerical simulation using High-Performance Computing. I have accumulated research experiences and developed expertise in computational solid mechanics and fluid dynamics, particle-based methods (MPM, SPH, DEM), contact and interface treatment, coupled formulation, and constitutive modeling. I am always excited in exploring the possibility of utilizing the knowledge of mechanics and numerical methods in designing safer and more efficient engineering systems and infrastructure.

In my free time, I enjoy reading, traveling, hiking, and photography. I have visited more than 20 countries throughout Europe, Asia, Australia, and now America.

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